Worthy causes

I love championing worthy causes and people.

Below are a few I encountered while researching my book Superhuman River: Stories of the Ganga. Please sign up for my free newsletter Superhuman Provocations to stay connected to the river and learn more from these experts.

  1. Ganga in the Himalayas

    Prof. Gina Drew author of River Dialogues: Hindu Faith and the Political Ecology of Dams on the Sacred Ganga

  2. Vikramshila Dolphin Sanctuary

    Prof. Sunil Kumar Choudhary; Nachiket Kelkar: Subhasis Dey

  3. South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers, and People

  4. Satjelia Island; Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve

    Prof. Annu Jalais author of Forest of Tigers: People, Politics, and Environment in the Sundarbans

  5. West Bengal

    Vinay, Piyush, and Ekta Jaju ONergy Solar

  6. Clean Air Collective

  7. Paribesh Unnayan Parishad (Sagar Island)

  8. Parvathy Baul and Ekathara Kalari (West Bengal)

  9. Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (Delhi)

  10. Nijera Kori (Bangladesh)

  11. Prof. Ananya Jahanara Kabir author of Partition’s Post-Amnesia’s: 1947, 1971, and Modern South Asia.